can be used to streamline California's nonresidential lighting compliance process.
The software system also produces Title 24 NRCC-LTI-E compliance forms.

Becoming a new user takes a few easy steps:

  1. Go to the new user invitation page:

  2. Under "Role", select "Designer / Engineer"

  3. will review and approve the application, usually within the hour

  4. Once approved, you will receive an email with a temporary password to login and begin using the tool

More explanatory videos can be found under "help" once you log into the CodeCycle design tool.

Email for further information or guidance on using the design tool.

Design process overview:

Building Department Users:

A separate tool is available to building departments to assist with the Title 24 plan check and inspection process. If building departments would like to use that software system, please reach out to at